Meal Arrangements

1. Dinning Area

All meals shall be consumed at the Pioneer Hall Canteen.

Its operating hours are:

  • Breakfast: 0700 – 1000 Hrs
  • Lunch:       1100 – 1400 Hrs
  • Dinner:     1800 – 2100 Hrs

2. Meal Coupons

Each participant will be issued with meal coupons for the duration of the tournament and choosen from one of the following type of meal:

  1. Normal
  2. Halal
  3. Vegetarian

Participants shall choose from the selected dish displaced by each store and pay themselves for any other dish not listed.

Coupons are not valued in monetary terms or exchangeable for cash,.

3.  Special Arrangements

Halal & Vegetarian meals are prepared in advance by the respective certified supplier and served in a package box.

If a game stretches until after the meal time, the meal will be packaged according to his/her coupon type and be delivered to the participants after he/she has finished the game.


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